“WELL-INTENDED RIGHTEOUS BULLSH*T!” THERE IS A DEVIL LOOSE AT IHOPKC! At Initial meeting at the IHOPKC Church regarding Mike Bickle and Sexual Misconduct, a man stands up and on the church floor says, “I do not consider this an acceptable level of transparency, and there is more to be shared, and what Nathan just said is WELL-INTENDED RIGHTEOUS BULLSH*T!”
“WELL-INTENDED RIGHTEOUS BULLSH*T!” THERE IS A DEVIL LOOSE AT IHOPKC! At Initial meeting at the IHOPKC Church regarding Mike Bickle and Sexual Misconduct, a man stands up and on the church floor says, “I do not consider this an acceptable level of transparency, and there is more to be shared, and what Nathan just said is WELL-INTENDED RIGHTEOUS BULLSH*T!” Man continues: “We need to address this in a different way with a great degree of transparency or this is not going to be a trustworthy process.”
“I SECOND THAT!” shouted a woman in the audience, out of order, and louder than the man.
(Some of the congregation start clapping) Someone says, “Don’t clap for that! Don’t clap for that!”
Leaked Video of Initial Announcement at the 10/27/23 IHOPKC Staff Meeting of Allegations Against Mike Bickle
Video has leaked of the initial announcement at the 10/27/23 IHOPKC staff meeting of sexual misconduct allegations against Mike Bickle, two days before the broke and the announcement was shared publicly. Posting for reference and posterity.
Source: Protestia: https://protestia.com/2024/01/30/leaked-video-of-initial-announcement-at-the-10-27-23-ihopkc-staff-meeting-of-allegations-against-mike-bickle/